Monday, April 27, 2009

Winter Park - April 2009

Maya and I had a great visit with my parents this past weekend in Florida. The weather was perfect, Maya was in a fantastic mood all weekend, and we got to spend a lot of time with my parents and with friends.
Maya loved playing with all the "new" toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
It was fun watching her play with the toys differently than she did when we last visited in February. For example, this trip was the first time that she realized that she could put things in (and take things out and put them back and take them out again) of the toy airplane.
Of all the toys, though, the rattle remained her favorite.
Maya also enjoyed getting into many things that she wasn't supposed to - she loved to find tiny places to crawl!
Maya read with Grandma,
and played with Grandpa.
We went swimming on Saturday.

We got to spend time with J.B. Coates, Elizabeth's 14-week-old son

And Kristen came over to play.

Brent and Bridget Sturgis (and their mom, Betsy) came over to play as well. Brent (aka Moose - he's not even two!) make quite an impression on my dad as the first thing he said when he walked in the door was "Go Gators!"
Jacob Cohen (16 days old) also made his first appearance at the Klingler house!
We had a wonderful trip and are looking forward to my parents' visit over Memorial Day weekend! Wendy is coming in a couple of days to spend a long weekend with us - Maya is very lucky to be able to spend two weekends in a row with grandparents!

The end.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


The month started out with a quick "girls + babies" weekend in Memphis, TN (Maya's 8th state!) with Chelsea, Parker (16 months), Mary Elizabeth, Janelle, and the Keras ladies (Lauren and her 14-month old twins, Jane and Nellie). It was my first time meeting Jane and Nellie. They are absolutely adorable, and I have tons of respect for Lauren as she stays on top of the twins with style and grace. It was, of course, wonderful to be able to catch up with some of my dearest friends and have them spend time with my daughter. Maya and Parker were excellent roommates - they didn't wake each other up once and managed to have synchronized nap schedules. Maybe Chelsea's and my plan to have them grow up and fall in love isn't too crazy....
Jane, Maya, Nellie, and Parker in the Keras' front yard (and in shirts made by Lauren!)
We also went to the Memphis Zoo. I thought Maya would be really excited about seeing the animals as she absolutely loves dogs. However, her love of canines does not seem to extend to the rest of the animal kingdom. Elephants to flamingos were met with a perplexed stare and crying. Oh well, so she won't be a zoologist.
On April 8th, we "hosted" a Passover Seder over at the Nolds due to a broken oven at our house. (Susan and Danny, thanks for letting us use your house!)

Amanda, Robert, Danny, Susan, Justin, and Annabelle joined in for a night of lively conversation and plenty of Manishevitz!
Maya enjoyed her first Passover by indulging in some brisket, kugel, and even a little gelfilte fish. We went out to brunch on Easter, but there are no pictures as I was suffering from a sinus infection and did not want a camera anywhere around me.

We babysat for Ginger Nold one Saturday night. The girls had fun playing in the bathtub together, and Maya did a good job of sharing her toys (she only went for the dolphin in Ginger's hands 3 times).
Maya's new favorite toy is a large cardboard box. She enjoys sitting in it, standing in it, reading in it, pulling the flaps up, pushing the flaps down, and pushing the box around. We are never buying her a new toy again.