Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maya's Promotion Ceremony

Maya transitioned out of preschool into PreK today. She also won the Core Values award - we are so proud of her!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Four years

Today is my baby girl's last day as a three year old. Just typing that sentence seems shocking to me. Where did my baby girl go? In her place, I find a confident, curious, inquisitive ticklish big girl with a fantastic vocabulary. She walked off to ride the bus to school with her dad this morning, and it just amazed me that just 4 years ago she was this squirming newborn with beautiful big brown eyes.

Maya Drake, you have brought such love and laughter into our family. You are the one that made me a mom, and for that I will be forever grateful. You make me laugh and smile like no one else. I love how easily you make new friends on the playground, how your patience with your little brother seems to be never-ending, how you walk on your tiptoes, how you are up for just about any adventure I drag you on, and how your imagination continues to grow.

 Your fourth year will bring a lot of changes: a new home, school, state, and a little sister. She is one lucky little girl to be able to have you as a big sister.

Tomorrow as we celebrate you all day long with new dresses. macaroni and cheese, pancakes, tomato soup, and playgrounds, please remember that you are my sunshine.