Tuesday, May 27, 2008


"Everything comes gradually and at its appointed hour." - Ovid

"Patience is the greatest of all virtues." - Cato the Elder

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time." - Tolstoy

"Genius is eternal patience." - Michelangelo

"When clouds form in the skies we know that rain will follow but we must not wait for it. Nothing will be achieved by attempting to interfere with the future before the time is ripe. Patience is needed." - I Ching

"Infinite patience brings immediate results." - Wayne Dyer

"With love and patience, nothing is impossible." - Daisaku Ideda

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Waiting Game…

It could be tonight or it could be a week from now. So, we wait.

The last several days has kept us very busy. With graduation last weekend and most of this week spent tying up loose ends at work before the baby’s arrival, we haven’t had much time to sit around and think about when this thing will happen. Now, during the long Memorial Day weekend filled with what seem to be sporadic, minor contractions, we’re waiting.

Last weekend was a whirlwind of graduation activities. My brother, Benji, and cousin, Ann flew in from California, and my best friend, Marshall, and his girlfriend, Ruthie drove down from Dallas. While waiting for Benji and Ann at the Austin airport, I looked up from my book to see my mom standing in front of me. I yelled, “mom” and three women turned around. Her oncologist cleared her to fly a few days earlier and the surprise made the weekend. Katie attended every single event—a BBQ, the ceremony, a lunch, and even planned a party for 40 people at our house.

Yesterday at work, my colleagues threw Katie and I a wonderful shower with tons of awesome gifts, words of wisdom, cake, and punch. 90 percent of my office is female, most of who are mothers and grandmothers, so we’ve spent lots of time at work during the last few weeks talking about Baby Tackett’s pending arrival. Before meetings about affordable housing regulations, my colleagues and I sometimes warm up with a high level discussion about the costs and benefits of disposable versus cloth diapers, or how to get enough sleep during the first few weeks after the birth. My manager, Lora, insists that spicy food is the key to starting labor, Mona cracks me up with stories about how much her son Junior loved his pacifier, and Frances has repeated a great bit of advice—“A happy momma makes for a happy baby.” Working with so many moms has meant not only tons of great advice about childbirth and parenthood, but also an amazing level of love and support during this exciting time.

A few hours after the shower, Katie and I watched the new Indiana Jones movie with Luke, Abby, and Jonas, watched the Lakers blow out the Spurs, and then welcomed Katie’s parents back to Austin. Bob and Nancy stayed at the house last night and then headed up to Dallas this morning to baby-sit for my niece and nephew. As soon as we have more regular signs of labor, they’ll be on I-35, headed back south to Austin.

And so it goes, we wait.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Who will win the pool?

During our shower at the Nold’s, a few of our friends placed dollar bets on the birthdate. It’s anyone’s game.

Monday, May 26
AM: Bryan Pope
PM: Lauren and Scott Cook

Tuesday, May 27
AM: Cory Barnard
PM: Luke and Abby Maher

Wednesday, May 28
AM: Nancy Klingler
PM: Eric and Stacy Newcomer

Thursday, May 29
AM: Me
PM: Eric and Stacy Newcomer

Friday, May 30
AM: Eric and Stacy Newcomer
PM: Susan Nold

Saturday, May 31
AM: Grandpa Bob Klingler
PM: Grandpa Bob Klingler

Sunday, June 1 (what I thought was always the due date)
AM: Eric and Stacy
PM: Eric and Stacy

Monday, June 2
AM: Danny Nold
PM; Eric and Stacy

Tuesday, June 3 (the due date according to our last doctor’s visit)
AM: Nancy
PM: Eric and Stacy

Wednesday, June 4
AM: Luke Maher
PM: Abby Maher

Thursday, June 5
AM: Greg Roberts


We visited the doctor yesterday and learned that Katie is 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced. This morning, Katie thinks she lost her mucus plug. It could still be several days, but something is definitely happening! More soon...

Monday, May 12, 2008

To term

Here is an email that Katie sent to our moms this morning:

Well, I’ve done my part – I’ve carried this baby to full-term. Now we’ll just see if the Bean cooperates and holds off until after Memorial Day [that way, we’ll have one more weekend baby-free after the extravaganza that is this coming weekend, (read graduation party.)] I’m still feeling good but sleeping is still an issue. Luckily, Larkin is such a deep sleeper that I don’t seem to wake him up with all of my tossing and turning.

We got tons of work done this weekend on the house. Larkin was a cleaning machine... I think our to-do list might just be gone by the end of this week! Which, of course, means I’ll start a new to-do list or two (things that I’d like to get done before the baby comes, things that Dad can do around the house after the baby comes, etc.)

Happy Monday to all!


Monday, May 5, 2008

Home stretch

We’re now in the last month of our pregnancy. Due on June 1, there is a good chance that the baby will be born in May. Grad school is over for me and the nursery is complete. We’re ready.

This week I finished up my last final and paper of business school, while Katie wrapped up her last class in the School of Ed., as well as completed the written portion of her proposal defense (a big part of her dissertation). In a symbolic change, my desk in the kitchen, where I spent lots of early mornings studying accounting and finance, has been sold and replaced with two huge un-opened boxes containing the pack 'n play and car seat. Instead of sacrificing sleep for school, I now look forward to seeing the clock at 4 a.m. to get the Bean out of bed so Katie can feed. It’s nice to have evenings and weekends free from class and homework to play a bigger role in getting the house ready. Saying that Katie has been nesting during the last few weeks is an understatement.

She goes through about one long ‘to do list’ per week. Everything from registering at St. David’s hospital to washing all the baby clothes to writing thank you notes for baby gifts. In between working, teaching, taking classes, and dissertating, she’s managed to get the entire nursery ready. Thanks in great part to the dollars and sweat of my in-laws, Bob and Nancy, who have helped with everything from cleaning out shelves to constructing the crib, the nursery looks and feels just right. After all the baby showers, it’s full of everything any infant could need—a changing table, Longhorn socks, books, lots of burp cloths, a rocker, a rug, and diapers that seem too small for a living human. Because we don’t know the baby’s gender, other than the UT baby clothes, everything else comes in green and yellow. The Bean’s favorite animal should definitely be a frog. She/He has at least 50 frogs of different shapes and sizes in his/her room.

Apparently, when you nest, you do things around the house that don’t necessarily have anything to do with the baby. Katie was joking with my mom over email this week about how she’s had a strange urge to organize her purses, which she’s unlikely to use anytime soon. My mom reassured her that before I was born, we had the cleanest linen closet on the block. I suppose I’ve felt the urge to be at home too, however, I can’t help take advantage of the last happy hour or the last party before the baby gets here.

Katie has not been sleeping well, a normal occurrence for pregnant women. I can see Mother Nature chuckling at her and saying, “yeah, get used to it.” I’m continually impressed with Katie’s attitude at 3:30 in the morning when I notice she’s not in bed, but rather wide-awake reading in the nursery or watching TV on the coach. You’d expect someone who is only able to sleep a couple hours to be cranky or resentful. Katie, however, is happy to report that she just finished watching a documentary about the Galapagos Island or is caught up on Sportscenter. She’s embracing the insomnia with a sense of ease and spirit that gives me comfort that we will be ready to handle this parenting thing.

Here are some pictures from the latest shower in Austin and of the nursery: