Thursday, August 14, 2008

Weeks 8 and 9

Maya had her 8 week appointment last week - she weighed 12 lbs, 10 oz and measured 23 inches. She is in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height... gaining weight is obviously not an issue for Maya!

I'm slowly adjusting to motherhood (of course, this is happening just as I need to start preparing to head back to work at the beginning of September!) Maya is a relatively happy baby - she has her moments, of course - but don't we all? She is at her best when she wakes up (which makes me wonder if she can really be my daughter as I typically don't smile until well after my first cup of coffee!)

We went to Dallas to visit Aunt Cory, Uncle Scott, Jackson, and Ali last week.
Jackson and Ali were great with "Baby Maya." Jackson was determined to teach Baby Maya to crawl and suck her thumb; alas, both lessons were unsuccessful. He put on some "puppet shows" for Maya when she was in her car seat.

Ali wanted to play with our camera...
and this is what happened when she did!
Jackson playing peekaboo with Maya.
We had a playdate with Katie and Cordelia Bowden (8 1/2 months) on our last day in Dallas.
This week, Maya and I joined Susan and Ginger Nold for Baby Day at the Alamo Drafthouse. Every Tuesday and Friday, the first showing of every movie is set aside for parents to bring their babies. The lights are turned up a little, the sound turned down, and no one cares if your baby starts crying. While Ginger slept through Mamma Mia, Maya was awake and watched the whole movie while sitting on my lap!


wendywayne said...

OK, I'm totally convinced that she is the most adorable baby in the whole world. What a way to wake up in the morning - chortling and smiling. I love that Maya and I'm not biased, just because I'm the grandma. So great to see Maya with cousins Jackson and Alli and to see that she enjoys a good movie just like her mommy, daddy and grandpaji.
Thanks for updating the blog. Keep those photos coming,

Maren said...

Good to catch up with you Katie...even if it is through the cyber world! I wish our town had a baby friendly movie house; that would be my favorite hangout!