Sunday, May 24, 2009


We partied hard this weekend, celebrating Katie's graduation and Maya's 1st b-day.

Grandma and Pop Pop Klingler braved the rainy weather in Central Florida to arrive in time for the ceremony. Maya loved the reunion with her grandparents.

All of UT's PhD grads participated in the same ceremony. Maya amazingly sat still through the reading of 250 some-odd graduate names (and their advisers) to watch mommy walk across the stage.

Aunt Cory and Uncle Scott drove down from Dallas.

After the graduation, about 40 people came over to our house for a joint party. Maya's best friend from school, Lincoln, showed up to play.

The cake was a big deal.

Although somewhat skeptical at first...

...Maya dug in...

... and cleaned her plate.

Cousin Jackson was a constant source of entertainment throughout the weekend.

And Maya shared her box and toys with cousin Ali.

This is just the beginning of a busy summer. Next weekend we're all headed to DC to look at houses!


wendywayne said...

What great photos. Katie looked so valedictorianish as a UT Grad - with that elaborate gown!!
Loved seeing Maya covered in Chocolate cake and great grandma will be thrilled to see her crocheted hat worn by Jackson. What fun. So good to see Grandma Nancy and Pop Pop Bob in the photos - a happy family!!
So nice to share the joy!!
Congrats, Dr. Katie. A well deserved honor!!
Love you all, shu shu

amyt said...

Congrats Katie and Happy Birthday Maya. We can't wait to see you all soon.