Sunday, January 30, 2011


In October (we're a little behind on pictures!), we took a weekend trip to visit our friends Lauren, Bill, and Owen in Charleston, South Carolina. We had fun seeing the sights, going to the beach, eating fried fish sandwiches in the sunshine, eating cupcakes, going out for an adult-only dinner, and catching up. Just like their mamas, Maya and Owen became fast friends. Owen is definitely a little more cautious and deliberate than Maya - check out the ocean pictures!

It took Maya about 3.5 minutes to be naked and completely submerged in the cold water. I don't know what I'm going to do as Ben seems to be more adventuresome at 8 months than Maya was at that age... it was a wonderful visit - and we can't wait to be invited back! (hint, hint)


Rebecca said...

Adorable! Maya is my kind of girl! Love it!

wendywayne said...

Love those beach photos. Maya certainly is a water lover!! She'll never go back to the splash park again after frolicking in the Atlantic. How fun. Ben is just growing much too quickly.

Love you all,

Shu Shu