Monday, April 18, 2011

Grandma comes to visit!

We had a great visit with my mom last weekend - Eastern Market in 50 degree weather, soccer practice in 68 degree weather, and the zoo in 85 degree weather! The kids (and Larkin and me) loved having my mom here. My dad came for about 7 hours (long story), but it was a wonderful 7 hours...
Maya continues to have an opinion about what she wear. My mom, of course, just wore black and white. Maya correctly noticed that the two of them were opposites.
Ben is now the finger food eating pro...
Maya and Larkin worked in the garden. They've planted strawberries, basil, squash, watermelon, carrots, cilantro, arugula, cucumber, spinach, and lavender. The tomatoes will be planted in a couple of weeks.
Maya started soccer a couple of weeks ago, and she loves it.

Ben enjoys going as well.
Maya and some of her teammates... a tough looking group, I know.
Soccer practice is the only time we can convince her not to wear a dress (it isn't part of her soccer costume.) She wore this dress to the playground this morning...
My mom, the kids, and I made it to the zoo last Monday. Monday mornings are great for going to the zoo in terms of crowds. Lots of field trips, but much better than a weekend!
The orangutan seemed to enjoy the warm spring weather.

Maya got as close as she has ever been to the panda!

Of course, walking on the "tightrope" was probably her favorite thing about the zoo.
The gorillas also enjoyed the break from cold and rain - notice the precious little baby gorilla coming out of the tunnel. Too cute!

I hadn't realized how many collared shirts Ben has until this post... he's getting ready for his undergrad days at UVA, I guess.
One of my new favorite pics... you can't really tell in this picture, but the little man is all Klingler. He even has a gap in between his two front teeth!

Thanks for a great visit, Mom and Dad!

1 comment:

wendywayne said...

Wonderful photos. It was especially nice to see photos of Grandma Nancy - she's usually taking the photos and left out.
Looks like a good time was had by all.
Thanks for sharing.
Loved the photo of Grandpa and Ben.
See you in June,
shu shu