Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Three Years

Three years ago today, I became a mom. It seems impossible to believe that I have only been Maya's mom for a little more than 1100 days. She has filled our lives with such joy (and such noise) that it is hard to remember how quiet and still our lives must have been before she arrived.

Maya Drake is full of life, enjoying each moment to its fullest. She constantly sings, dances, walks on her tiptoes, laughs, and is up for anything.

Her greatest role is as a big sister. If anything, I feel bad that she has only had the chance to do that for a year. She loves Ben, and Ben LOVES her.
Maya Drake, you are my sunshine. Happy birthday.


wendywayne said...

OKAY - way to start my day with tears; I love that beautiful princess!

Happy Birthday, Maya,

Thank you, Katie for sharing this chronology of photos.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Maya. Its hard to believe you are three. You are a sunshine!