Monday, June 9, 2008

Pitocin and a picture

Jan (our primary nurse) just left the hospital room after performing the first cervical exam and starting a small dosage of petocin to induce labor. The Today Show is in the background and we joked that Matt Lauer watched the pelvic exam. :)

Katie is still between one and two centimeters dilated. There is a fetal monitor on Katie’s belly so we can hear the baby’s heartbeat. It’s the loudest and sweetest sound in the room.

Our previous nurse (shifts changed at 7) told us that on average, a first-time mom’s cervix will dilate about one centimeter per hour with petocin. Apparently, our OB, Dr. Youngkin, may stop by early this morning to possibly break the amniotic sac. Our mood is great. Check out the pic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO exciting! thanks for the updates and I will be up there this afternoon. Much love to the three of you, I simply cannot wait to meet your sweet baby!