Sunday, November 16, 2008

Playdate with Anna!

We had a great dinner with Matt, Jessica, and Anna Kreager on Saturday night. The girls had a great time sharing toys and entertaining us - and then both went to sleep and allowed us to drink wine and talk!

Below is a picture of the girls from June 20th, when Maya (left) was 11 days old, and Anna (right) was 10 days old.

The photo shoot on Saturday went much better than that first one! (In these photos, Maya is on the right).
Despite this picture, the girls didn't really acknowledge that the other one was there. Maybe next time...

1 comment:

wendywayne said...

They are too precious. Anna is growing so quickly - and Maya looks 3 months older than her friend. It will be fun to take these play date photos periodically.

Thanks for sharing,

ShuShu Wendy