Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween and Camping

Maya's first Halloween was Super! Wonder Woman soars through the neighborhood.

A superhero's proud parents

Uncle Benji and Aunt Amy came to town for the celebration and got into the spirit.

Daddy and his friends showed Maya that grownups can celebrate Halloween too. The toxic stocks--AIG (Marshall), Lehman Brothers (Aaron), Credit Default Swaps (Larkin), and Freddie Mac (Benji).

Even though he's was bought out, Bear Stearns can still dance.

After a quiet Halloween night, Katie organized a man's camping trip to celebrate Larkin's belated birthday. First stop, BBQ in Lockhart.

Then on to some camping in Pedernales State Park.

Eric shows us how to use the bull whip in case a bear attacks.

A beautiful sunset from the campsite.

After a LONG last few days, it was a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Good good good......

wendywayne said...

What a sunset!!
Great Toxic costumes and a darling Super Woman, of course,

Love you all,

momz and shu shu