Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doctors, doctors, and more doctors

Maya was taken off the oxygen this morning. She was sitting up and playing with her toys. However, when she fell asleep about an hour ago, her blood oxygen levels dropped enough that she needed to be put oxygen, so it looks like our great plans to leave tonight have been thwarted. Maya is sleeping peacefully, though, so we can't complain.

The doctors and nurses here have been fantastic; we've been very pleased with her care.

I did pass my dissertation defense this morning, so I'm now officially Dr. Katie Klingler Tackett. Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of doctor that Maya needs right now - luckily she has enough of those so I can concentrate on being Mom instead.

We postponed a planned happy hour celebration for tonight. Larkin ordered cupcakes (my favorite) with the title of my dissertation spelled out, so those are now here in Maya's hospital room for all to enjoy. For those of you in Austin, hopefully we'll figure out a way to share them with you all!

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