Saturday, June 26, 2010

Visit from Wendy - the pictures

Okay, it was my fault and not Blogspot. Whoop-de-do. Here are the pictures from Wendy's visit.
Shushu and Ben.
"Ben avake! Ben avake!"

We've gone for lots of walks as a family.
Ben seems to enjoy them!
Wendy, Larkin, and Maya spent one morning at the Building Museum.
Maybe Maya is going to be a construction worker when she grows up. She is certainly rocking the look!
Here is Maya rocking another look (maybe a model is more in her career path.) She's wearing the dress that I wore to my 2nd birthday party!
Maya got gorgeous wings and a tutu as a birthday gift from Wendy and Larry Wexler. I can just envision a time in 6 months when she won't take the tutu off - ever.
Tatman and Phillip gave her a great thing of bubbles that blows "big bubbles" (to be said in a deep voice.) this provided hours of entertainment!
Wendy's cousin Nancy came to visit and brought us tons of goodies from her garden.


Unknown said...

Love them! Ben sure looks like Maya, doesn't he?

wendywayne said...

It was a fantastic week. I totally bonded with Katie, Ben, Maya and Larkin. Maya's birthday party was so much fun. Just "hanging out" with the mellow new baby Ben who was avake to Maya's delight and Maya who keeps us all entertained was a joy. Katie is a "born" mommy and Larkin takes fatherhood very seriously. Love them all, Shu Shu